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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 5  NBC  October 1, 2013 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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if you do want to ask questions by phone, i tried that route as well. the minimum wait is 30 minutes. this was not smooth sailing today, but it is working on the program. i asked the agency how many people in california were able able to enroll today. they said they couldn't give me that number. coming up at 6:00, we'll hear more about what president obama has to say about these computer glitches. day one of a government shutdown is coming to a close. how did we get to this point? the fight over obama care has led us to this shutdown. thousands of federal workers showed up to their jobs this morning only to turn around and go home. steve handelsman is in washington, d.c. >> reporter: the national mall
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closed and the smithsonian. the world war ii memorial. some vets had to bypass the barricades. 800,000 federal workers are furloughed. >> the government is closed. >> reporter: in the senate, both sides blamed the other. speaking boehner and the tea party radicals have done the unthinkable. >> democrats in congress finally have their prize. >> reporter: republicans are fighting obama care. today demanding senate democrats show up and agree to a rollback. >> we want to sit down and get this done. we don't want to close the government down. >> my goodness, they won't even sit down and have a discussion about this. >> reporter: ironically, obama
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care opened for business. here an insurance exchange in new york and health care dot gov. >> they have shutdown the government to deny affordable insurance to millions of americans. >> reporter: 72% of americans disagree with the shutdown because of obama care. >> some are already waiting more than two years to have their claims processed. the va office in oakland has the longest wait time in the country. the department of veterans affairs says it has reduced the backlog by 20%.
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this shutdown will undue that progress. >> it really sucks to be in a situation where you're not getting the help you need or not getting the right help you need. if this exacerbates it, shame on the national government. >> inpatient care and mental health counseling are not impacted by the shutdown. the geological survey gives you this message on its website. due to the federal government shutdown, most websites are unavailable. only those necessary to protect lives and property will be maintained. employees were seen streaming out of the building around noon. a majority of the nearly 8700 employees have been furloughed without pay. for decades, it was nearly
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impossible for anyone to escape alcatraz, now it is impossible to get there. it is closed as a result of this government shutdown. the private tour company offered refunds or allowed people to exchange their tickets for a 90-minute day cruise. >> we went on the bike cruise. we were looking forward to going to alcatraz. >> it already had its closure plans in place because of threatened government shutdowns in the past. have you been impacted by this government shutdown? hit one for yes, two for now.
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you can tweet us at #nbcbayarea. oakland police say they caught the man who killed an 8-years-old girl who's only crime was to answer the door at a sleepover party. the man who shot this girl is an alleged gang member who fired his gun for no reason that had nothing to do with her. >> reporter: the alameda county district attorney says the reason for it was retaliation. a mother overwhelmed with today's news. >> i've been waiting for this day since the day i got the phone call that she was dead. >> reporter: she reacted to the arrest of darnell williams, who is charged with killing her 8-year-old daughter. >> i don't get to see no more
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years with my daughter. i don't want them to see anymore light on this street. >> reporter: the district attorney announced the arrest of williams and two other people involved in a crime spree from berkeley to oakland. williams is an oakland gang member and believed to be the shooter in the 8-year-old's killing. she just happened to open the door while at sleepover in oakland when williams came to the door and started shooting. >> we believe there was an earlier shooting and murder and this was a retaliation. they went to that house to kill someone at the house. >> reporter: she was killed, but was not the intended target. two other young children were also hit by gunfire along with the 63-year-old grandmother. this case was a top priority for a number of reasons. >> there are some times where crimes happen and occur that are
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so dispickable you never forget them. you dedicate the resources to bringing some justice to a very tragic situation. this is one of those crimes. >> today is just about justice. it is all about justice for my daughter. that's all i want. i just want justice. that's it. >> reporter: williams and an alleged accomplice will be back here in court tomorrow. there is another suspect in this case. he has fled to another state. a hayward police officer today pleaded not guilty to charges of sexually abusing minors. mccloud was arrested on three counts of lewd acts with girls between the ages of 12 and 14. the crimes occurred before he became an officer. a young woman recently came
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forward claiming mccloud assaulted her six years ago. new at 5:00, do you recognize this man? san mateo police say he robbed a wells fargo bank today. he handed the teller a note demanding money. he was holding what appeared to be a silver detonating device with a red button on it. he is still on the loose. if you recognize him, call the police. we're going to show you the blown generator that workers lifted out of the ground late this afternoon. crews are in the process of installing temporary generators. they'll be used to restore power to several parts of the cal campus. >> seven other buildings will remain off the campus grid until we have a full understanding of what the damage was. we don't want to reconnect it
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for fear we'll bring everything crashing down once again. >> more than 100 classes were cancelled today. the campus was evacuated last night. an underground copper wire theft caused the power outage. still ahead, a man on a mission. >> i had an idea. if i have an idea, i work very hard on ideas. >> why this man has written hundreds of letters to colleges and high schools across the nation. it's a story that will make you bay area proud. >> local residents get a chance to ask about apple's proposed new headquarters. >> playoff fever in oakland.
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should be crowded in 45 minutes from now. it is happening at city hall. plenty of sunshine not only in oakland for that fan fest, but all the way up against the go golden gate bridge.
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happening right now a live look at frank plaza in oakland where the mayor is hosting the a's oaktober rally. city hall is lit in green and gold. oakland dignitaries honoring the a's and their fans. it is a free event. there will be plenty of family friendly events. the a's mascot stomper on hand. he's going to get the crowd riled out for round one of the playoffs. the first of more than
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68,000 seats are being installed at the 49ers levi's stadium. the couple has had season tickets since 1971 when the niners played at the stadium. the seats are home grown because they were made by a company in hayward. the team continues to be on budget and on schedule. it is the latest step in keeping apple here. a new building looks to be one of the most ambitious campuses in corporate history. the public gets a chance to weigh in on apple's plans. scott, as you know, when he was alive, steve jobs campaigned for this headquarters. without him, what's happening?
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>> reporter: tonight another step in the process to secure that legacy. tonight's meeting largely to take a look at how apple's plans would effect the city and give local residents a chance to ask questions about the local headquarters. this is the building. it's already being called the spaceship. it's seen by many as the lasting legacy of the apple cofounder. negotiations are going fairly smoothly. the city doesn't want to lose apple. apple executives say they want to stay here. >> they're own buses. the apple buses go all around. they go up to the city and all over. people take bicycles, et cetera. there may be less traffic than there was when it was at its peak.
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>> the meeting is about studying environmental reports and hearing from those who want to build headquarters. residents will have a chance to ask questions. we'll be back to hear from them at 6:00 tonight. baseball is america's past time. football is its passion. college football drew more than 35 million fans to fields last year. >> anywhere where americans gather, is a good place to honor those who have served america. >> he group in sausalito more than a few years ago. as a boy, he watched them build the golden gate bridge and was one of the first to cross it. he got a fondness for tackling big projects. he's the subject of tonight's
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bay area proud. like many other big times sports, the college football season has grown over the years. this year's schedule from kickoff classic in august to national championship in january runs 19 weeks. it's just one of those weeks in particular though that has consumed bob williams life over the past two years. the one in november closest to veterans day. >> i love my country. i express it in various ways. >> the first way was as a mid shipman. a two-sport athlete, bob went on to serve one year in world war ii and ten more years after that. bob became associated with stanford university and serves on stanford's athletic board. in fact, it was bob's idea to start a tradition at stanford's new stadium where the players stay on the field after the game
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and sing the school's alma mater with the fans. bob liked the reception that got so much it sparked in him a bigger idea. >> came up with the theme of honoring the veterans at their home football game closest to veterans' day. >> honoring them at every college and university in the country, which meant writing a letter to every college and university in the country. >> i wrote over 600 letters to colleges. >> the only thing more remarkable to bob is that so many letters were answered. >> it was almost like christmas. >> in the affirmative. >> every day it was great stuff. this is the stack of replies from college presidents. >> by now bob figures every school he asks to take part will in some way. some continuing old traditions.
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others starting new ones. veterans everywhere getting the thanks they deserve. >> i like projects, and this particular one caught my fancy and i thought i could pull it off and i did. >> if you're at a football game close to veterans day and the pa announcer asks veterans to stand up and be recognized, you can thank bob for that. 13 years ago he wrote an autobiography. well, at 92 he had his most productive, happiest year of his life. >> we could use bob in our news room. let's get a check of our forecast right now. >> a little bit of that chamber of commerce weather. winds 15 to 30 miles per hour. that prevailing wind coming out of the northwest strong enough to impact the east bay as well.
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74 in livermore. 76 in san francisco. as we head throughout tomorrow, yes, i do think it is going to be just as beautiful as today. in fact, temperatures are going to go a little bit warmer. we'll start off the morning with areas of cloud cover. patchy clouds inland. by 11:00 a.m., sunny skies. a little bit of high level cloud cover moving on by. that's a function of the jet stream relatively close to us. a very calm picture here from downtown. looking towards alcatraz. quite inside the bay, but if you're heading anywhere outside of the bay at the immediate coastline, small craft advisory. numbers are going to be going up a little bit warmer. 79 in san jose. low 80s in gilroy.
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79 in palo alto. close to 80s in dublin. walnut creek at 81. alameda 72. san francisco downtown, low 70s. another incredible day coming our way. 83 in napa. smooth sailing for wednesday's forecast, but we're pushing ahead towards that next weather concern. that's going to be the wind. 15 to 30 mile per hour gusts. we'll see the gusts stay with us. that could top as high as 40 miles per hour. you can see the key down there. some of those bright colors corresponding with this particular map. we'll have that fire threat increasing for thursday in the hills of a thousand feet and lowering humidity levels as well. fire concern throughout thursday and also friday. notice those offshore winds as
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we head into the weekend. it will increase the temperatures. upper 80s inland by saturday and we'll start to get back to some fall weather as we head throughout tuesday of next week. the storm track is looking very juicy. it is another indication that we're still pretty good when it comes to this time of year and that weather pattern. >> it looks gorgeous and feels gorgeous. breast cancer rates are up among a certain group of women. what group and what may be to blame. >> she vanished from her home 20 years ago today. this evening we take you to a special event to tell you how the family and friends are marking this somber anniversary. >> we want to know what you think. have you been impacted by the government's shutdown? press one for yes, two for no.
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we'll have the results at 6:00.
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happening now in san francisco, family and friends and activists are remembering 12-year-old pauley who was kidnapped 20 years ago today. there were witnesses. she had two friends for a sleepover when richard allen davis barged into her room and asked which girl was the one who lived there. she was missing for 65 days until davis was arrested and led investigators to her body.
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a foundation was formed that helps families victimized by similar crimes. >> i think her legacy includes the way law enforcement handles missing child situations. >> it really changed the way we solve these crimes or look for it. kidnapping survivors and the families of missing children and law enforcement personnel who tried to find her will be at the event tonight. >> breast cancer among african-american women are on the rise. breast cancer rates in black women rose slightly from 2006 to 2010. breast cancer has long been more common in caucasian women over 40 years old, but now it's almost as prevalent in african-american women, especially women in their 50s.
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researchers say the reason is unclear but maybe linked to breast cancer treatment barrie s barriers. taking the drug for less than a year had no effect ornament ornamento ornament ornamenton memory.
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some of the brilliant minds of santa clara university are in southern california right now for the decathlon. it created this video giving the governor five reasons why he should visit the competition. they built a solar dog house for his dog named suter brown. the crew has never finished lower than third in the global contest that rewards the team with the most energy efficient and at theticily pleasing house. before we leave, we want to go back to downtown oekakland. hundreds of people are there at city hall. one of the stars josh reddick was just at the podium. the a's hosting the tigers at the coliseum. they're expecting about 50,000
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fans. >> stomper was also there. >> thanks for joining us. >> see you at 6:00. government shutdown. a lot of americans shut out of their jobs, their paychecks, even some world war ii veterans were told their own memorial was closed. tonight, the big question, how long does this go on? also tonight, day one for these new health insurance exchanges, already a big demand. and for some, a huge struggle to sign up. family tragedy in the colorado rockies as an act of nature has killed five members of the same family, a teenage girl, the sole survivor who saw her father sacrifice his life. and another first from this new pope revealing secrets from the vatican and then some. "nightly news" begins now.


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